Showing posts with label railroads. Show all posts
Showing posts with label railroads. Show all posts

Sunday, February 18, 2018

Development & Economic News - Afghanistan

Railway Corridor. The Afghanistan National Railway Authority (ANRA) says that a report for the establishment of 880 klics of railway line is 50% complete. The railway system will connect five countries in the region. Read "Five Nations Railway Corridor to Power Regional  Economies", Tolo News, February 15, 2018. The rail system in Afghanistan is very undeveloped; read more about railroads in Afghanistan.

U.S. Aid to Afghanistan Needed. The Borgen Project aims to ensure U.S. foreign policy ensures the providing of aid to humanitarian needs of impoverished countries. Read "How the US Benefits from Foreign Aid to Afghanistan", Borgen Magazine, February 14, 2018.

Squandering of Afghan Mineral Resources. Afghanistan has lots of mineral resources that are not being leveraged properly. Read "Riches Lie Below the Surface in Afghan Province", Institute for War & Peace Reporting, February 12, 2018.

Herat Cleared of Mines. Using United Kingdom funding HALO Trust says that Herat province is now cleared of minefields. The effort started in 2008. Certainly good news for the farmers working in the fields. (Gandhara, Feb 16, 2018).

Illegal Mining in Afghanistan. Mohammad Ismail Amin writes about the mining industry in "Illegal Mining: Headache for Afghanistan Government, International and Local Investors", Eurasia Review, February 12, 2018.

Sunday, March 29, 2015

Trains Connecting Afghanistan to . . . Everywhere

President Ghani of Afghanistan envisions ". . . a strategic railroad stretching from Central Asia to China, Europe and its neighbors that would allow Afghanistan to develop its untapped mineral resources." He sees Afghanistan as being a transit country connecting the Middle East, Central Asia, South Asia, and China by road and rail. Currently the railways in Afghanistan are extremely limited and government regulations and management of the railways is haphazard at best. Read more in "Afghanistan's Big Project: A Train to Europe", Newsweek, March 26, 2015.

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Afghanistan - A Future Land Bridge?

There is a big push, spear-headed by the efforts of China and Russia to develop the economic structure of Central and South Asia. In fact, all countries in the region have an interest in this - Pakistan, Central Asian countries, Iran, India, etc. Even the United States attempted to generate some activity in this regard with its roll out of the Northern Distribution Network and the New Silk Road Strategy. While the emphasis is on the mineral, energy, and transportation sectors of Central and South Asia - the fact is all the countries are looking after their own economic and political self-interests. Afghanistan - because of its central geographical location - and if it can solve its political and security problems, can also benefit. However, Afghanistan has to develop its road and railroad networks in order to be the "crossroads for trade" in the region. Read more in "Long Road to the Ocean: Afghanistan's Quest for a Seaport", Eurasia Review, by Tamin Asey, December 7, 2014.

Monday, September 29, 2014

Railroads - Promise of the Future

The country of Afghanistan is completely dependent upon funding from the international community to pay for its security forces and to run its government. Afghanistan's rich mineral resources will take years to develop into a revenue-producing enterprise. In addition, without railroads it will be difficult to market and export these valuable minerals. Fortunately, neighboring countries are working on improving their rail systems and this could have an impact on the railroad development program for Afghanistan. Turkmenistan is one of those neighboring countries. Read more in "Turkmenistan Becoming Regional Railway Hub", The Jamestown Foundation, September 22, 2014.

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Afghanistan and Central Asian States Sign Railroad Agreement

Afghanistan, Tajikistan, and Turkmenistan have signed a agreement to start the construction of a railway that will link the three countries. The 400-kilometer railroad will connect the three countries with construction starting in July in Turkmenistan. The railway will help with economic development in the three countries. News source: "Turkmen, Tajik, Afghan Presidents Sign Railroad Agreement", Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty, March 21, 2013.

Monday, February 25, 2013

U.S. Support of Afghan Railroads to Cut Russia's Influence

The United States is sinking a lot of money to build up Afghanistan's railroad system. The going is slow but progress is being made. This railway system will help increase trade and provide a transportation network for the export of the vast minerals that are found in Afghanistan. The railroads will tie into the New Silk Road that has the backing of the United States and other countries. However, Russia is an unhappy player in all of this as it feels that it is being marginalized in favor of Iran, India, China, and the 'stans. Read more in "US, Chinese Plans for Rail Links with Central Asia Triggering 'Railroad War' and Reducing Russia's Influence", by Paul Goble, The Jamestown Foundation, February 19, 2013.

Saturday, March 31, 2012

Mining Minerals in Afghanistan - Still on Hold

Afghanistan appears to be sitting on significant mineral deposits; however the current political and security situation prevents large international firms from getting to these minerals. Read more in "Dreams of a Mining Future on Hold in Afghanistan", NPR, March 29, 2012.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Afghanistan-Iran-Tajikistan Railway Link

The governments of Afghanistan, Iran, and Tajikistan have reached an understanding on the building of a railway that would connect Iran, Afghanistan, and Tajikistan. Read more in "Tajikistan plans railway link with Iran", The Telegraph, March 27, 2012. Learn more about railroad development in Afghanistan.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Afghanistan's Railroads - The New Silk Road

There are rich mineral deposits in Afghanistan; however, to move the mineral raw materials to processing plants requires the building of railways.  Currently there are not that many railways in Afghanistan; in fact, almost none. Read a recent news article on the topic entitled "Afghanistan joins the railroad era - 100 years late", by Kay Johnson, Associated Press (hosted on Google News), March 10, 2012. Learn more about railroads in Afghanistan.