Showing posts with label Denmark. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Denmark. Show all posts

Sunday, February 14, 2016

Movie Review - "A War"

I recently had the opportunity to watch the movie entitled - A War. This Danish film about the troops of Denmark deployed to the volatile Helmand province is realistic, emotional, and riveting. The movie presents the issues combat leaders face when charged with protecting the Afghan population, defeating the insurgents, and ensuring that their troops return safe from the battlefield. In addition, the movie shows the problems experienced by the parent left at the home front - caring for children missing their Dad, worries about their spouse in the war zone, and problems of adapting to life without the second parent in the home. The film explores the morality of war as well; providing us insight as about split-second decisions that combat leaders make in the heat of combat that have ramifications down the road. Read my review of this movie at the link below.

Sunday, January 10, 2016

Afghan War News Snippets

CRS Report on Afghanistan. Kenneth Katzman of the Congressional Research Service (CRS) writes a periodic report on the situation in Afghanistan entitled Afghanistan: Post-Taliban Governance, Security, and U.S. Policy,  dated December 22, 2015. 80 pages.

Danish War Film. A fictional war film starring Danish actors and military personnel fighting in Afghanistan will soon (hopefully) be hitting the theaters. Read more in "This is the fictional war film which features real life soldiers", BBC Newsbeat, January 4, 2016.

The Wakhan Front - Move Trailer. A new move about Afghanistan is out. Watch the trailer on

Embassy Employees & Dari. A short video posted on by the U.S. Embassy Kabul shows some of its staff demonstrating their language skills. (2 mins).

Internal Taliban Squabbling. It appears that Mullah Mansoor is cleaning house of the Taliban senior leadership. Two senior members (Razzaq and Rehmani) were expelled from the leadership council for refusing to accept Mansoor as the organizations leader. (Pajhwok Afghan News, Jan 7, 2016).

MSF Worker Chats on Helmand Province. An Australian pediatric nurse talks about his experience working in Helmand province from Dec 2014 to Sep 2015 for Doctors Without Borders. Seems we didn't bomb his hospital while he was there - so that's a good thing! Read "Afghanistan: Nine Months Fighting Malnutrition in Helmand Province", Medecins Sans Frontiers, January 7, 2016.

Upcoming Rotational Deployments to Afghanistan. The Department of the Army announced that 2nd BCT, 101st Abn Div will deploy in support of Operation Inherent Resolve. Elements of the 10th Mountain will deploy to Afghanistan in support of Operation Freedom's Sentinel. See "DA Announces Rotational Deployments",, January 8, 2016.

Afghan Astronomy in a War Zone. Looking through a telescope in the dead of night in a field can attract a lot of attention. Especially if your telescope looks a lot like a rocket launcher. Read more in "Amateur Afghan Astronomy is Risky Business", Newsweek, January 2016.

More HMMWVs and MSF Vehicles. The Afghan armed forces will be receiving over 100 HMMWVs (M1151 Enhanced Armament Carrier) and 55 Mobile Strike Force vehicles over the next several weeks. Now if we can only get the ANDSF to repair and maintain the vehicles they have we would be accomplishing something. (Khaama Press, Jan 7, 2016).

Warriors, Spartans, and Vikings. One commentator looks at the rise in popularity the fighters from Greece, Rome, and the Norse lands in "Our odd 'Valhalla' obsession", Carrying the Gun, January 7, 2016. Being of Swedish descent on both sides of my family I don't find it odd at all. Hmmm . . .

Russia Playing both Sides? Russia is reportedly going to provide 10,000 AKs to the Afghan military (along with ammo) and is currently in talks to provide attack helicopters to the Afghan Air Force. At the same time they are indicating that (through spokes-persons) that they may exchange intel with the Taliban about the presence of ISIS in Afghanistan. Hmmmm. Read more in "Russia Plays Both Sides in the Afghan Conflict", Gandhara Blog, January 5, 2016.

Sunday, October 26, 2014

New Danish Strategy for Afghanistan

The Danish Government has published a new strategy for the combined Danish efforts in Afghanistan for the years 2015-2017. The strategy includes the integrated Danish political, military and civilian efforts in the country. Denmark recognizes that Afghanistan now has full responsibility for security and social development; but that Afghanistan also needs support in the coming years. To that end Denmark will continue with its military contribution - beginning in 2015 its military contingent will number 160 personnel. Some will work in Kabul while a transport helicopter will be stationed in Mazar-e-Sharif in northern Afghanistan. Read more in a post entitled New Afghanistan Strategy 2015-17 focuses on development, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark, October 23, 2014 and in "New Strategy for Afghanistan"The Copenhagen Post, October 24, 2014,

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Danish Special Forces to Train Afghan Special Police Response Company

Soldiers from the Danish Navy SEALs and the Hunter Corps (Special Forces units within the Royal Danish Navy and the Royal Danish Army) have taken over responsibility for the training of the Afghan special police force in the city of Lashkar Gah, the capital of the Helmand province.

They will teach, advise, and mentor 125 Afghan policemen for the next two years. It is part of the overall plan to enable the Afghans to be in charge of security operations from 2014. Until now British soldiers have trained the rapid reaction force but from Monday, March 5th, the Danish soldiers from DANCON Team 13 will continue their work. The Afghan Response Company will react quickly to high-risk tasks in the entire province.

On this training mission, the Special Forces will be joined by several advisors from the Danish police and civil services. This will ensure that the Afghans are introduced to a comprehensive training programme that will also include evidence collection, planning of operations, etc.
Info taken from "Danish Special Forces train Afghan Special Police Force", Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark, March 7, 2012.