Showing posts with label PGovs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label PGovs. Show all posts

Sunday, January 17, 2016


Report - Provincial Governors in Afghan Politics. When the current government of Afghanistan got its start post 9/11 the European powers put into place (with the agreement of some representatives of segments of Afghan society) a strong central government structure. This provided the executive branch - the President of Afghanistan - with the ability to appoint the 34 provincial governors. The presidency of Hamid Karzai was expected to usher in a new age of democracy and governance to Afghanistan - but it fell short. One of the areas where it failed was in sub-national governance and much of this failure is placed on the selection of the provincial governors of the Karzai period of rule. Read more in Provincial Governors in Afghan Politics, by Dipali Mukhopadha, United States Institute of Peace (USIP), January 8, 2016.

Ghazni Jailbreak of Sep 15 & Govt Failure. In September 2015 Taleban fighters broke into a jail in the province of Ghazni and feed hundreds of inmates. It was thoroughly planned and and lots of fighters participating. Read how it happened in "Ghazni Jailbreak: Where the government failed and its enemy succeeded", Afghanistan Analysts Network (AAN), January 15, 2016.

Education in Afghanistan. Many observers and critics of the Afghan conflict wonder if the effort in lives and money has been worth it. U.S. government and military officials tend to provide information that would indicate the sacrifice has not been in vain. Many times they point to advances in medical services, the economy, and education as proof that things are much better than the years prior to 2002 under the Taliban regime. However, the news is not as rosy as we would be led to believe - especially in education. "An estimated 40 percent of Afghanistan's children are not in school." Read more in "Measuring Afghanistan's Education Problem", The Diplomat, January 13, 2016.