Dar-ul-Aman Palace, Kabul, Afghanistan
Old Palace Renovations. President Ghani has indicated that the old Afghan palace located outside of Kabul - Dar-ul-Aman - will be renovated. Certainly it is a big part of Afghanistan's history. I have seen that palace up close. It will require lots of money and work to bring it back to life.
Afghan Justice System. Anyone familiar with the Afghan justice system knows that it is under-funded, under-staffed, and very corrupt. If you have money then you can have justice; otherwise you are in for a long wait and the short end of the stick. The Human Rights Watch organization has come out (once again) against the judicial branch of the Afghan government. This time the outrage is over the reduction of sentences for those convicted of killing an Afghan women who was falsely accused of burning the Koran. Read "HRW Slams Afghan Justice System", Radio Free Europe, March 13, 2016.
EU Anti-Corruption Campaign. The European Union will be launching yet another anti-corruption endeavor to help Afghan citizens fight corruption and seek to mobilize support for stronger government action against corruption. Yep. I am sure the campaign will be "a great success". Read more in a press release by the EU, 12 March 2016.
Cooperation Needed. President Ghani has stressed the need for cooperation between the cabinet members and the parliamentarians in a bid to help resolve national-level issues facing Afghanistan. Read "NUG Leaders Urge Cooperation Between Cabinet and Parliament", Tolo News, March 5, 2016.