Showing posts with label guide. Show all posts
Showing posts with label guide. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Afghanistan Field Guide - Essential Travel Tips

Are you a soldier, consultant, diplomat, journalist, or aid working who is about to travel to Afghanistan?  If this is your first time then you should consult the "Afghanistan Field Guide".

 Crosslines Essential Field Guide to Afghanistan

Description from 
"The Essential Field Guide to Afghanistan (EFG) is widely regarded as the best and most comprehensive handbook available. This is no ordinary travel guide but a handbook that is specifically tailored for international aid workers, military, journalists, diplomats, private sector, academic and others interested in or working in Afghanistan, the EFG is edited and produced by some of the world's top writers and experts on the country and region.

Overview essays and detailed Infobriefs focus on international recovery operations, security, culture, agriculture, environment, security, health, women, human rights, Taliban, key players and other related subjects. There are also security and survival tips, where to stay, a Dari and Pashto phrasebook, key contacts, information on Kabul and the regions, Peshawar and Islamabad. This handbook is an indispensable companion guide for anyone serious about Afghanistan but seeking quick and highly readable information."