Showing posts with label forensics. Show all posts
Showing posts with label forensics. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

ACME Lab at Bagram Airfield

Forensic Science on the Battlefield. The Afghanistan Captured Material Exploitation (ACME) Laboratory on Bagram Airfield is a U.S. forensic lab in theater. The lab is staffed almost entirely by civilian technicians and scientists. Many of the labs workers come from the Defense Forensic Science Center (DFSC) in Forest Park, Georgia. The ACME lab is subordinate to the joint multi-disciplined intelligence brigade of U.S. Forces - Afghanistan. The lab provides critical forensic analysis including DNA, fingerprint, and weapons technical inspections to identify force protection threats and enable host nation criminal prosecutions. The lab also takes part in the Train, Advise, and Assist mission by training Afghans. Every six weeks the lab trains 30 to 60 Afghan judges, prosecutors, and law enforcement professionals from around Afghanistan at the Afghan National Security Justice Center in Parwan province. Read more in a news story posted on, April 18, 2015.

Sunday, November 9, 2014

VAMPIRE Tactical Forensic Device

Booz Allen Hamilton has released a video about its new VAMPIRE Tactical Forensic Device. It has applications for law enforcement, homeland security, and sensitive site exploitation. Watch a one minute long video about the VAMPIRE on YouTube.